- SKU: T-24
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Roundabout Sign T-24: Indicates that there is a roundabout ahead. Speed should be reduced and the first right of way should be given to drivers of vehicles inside the roundabout. An additional panel sign may be used together with the "roundabout" sign, giving information about the nature of the hazard. Roundabout Sign T-24 is a hazard warning sign.
Roundabout Sign - Traffic Sign ( 40 cm / 75 cm / 60 cm / 90 cm )
Traffic signs tell drivers and pedestrians the rules they must follow with symbols. It should be used in sufficient number. It is recommended to place it in an easily visible way, preferably using an omega pole.
In traffic accidents, it should be noted that whether there is sufficient and correct traffic sign at the place where the accident occurred is also the subject of investigation. Knowing and applying the meanings of traffic signs protects drivers and pedestrians from possible accidents.
roundabout sign
Roundabout traffic sign: It has the shape and dimensions defined by the General Directorate of Highways. It is produced from 2 mm or 1.5 mm Galvanized Sheet. 2 screw holes were drilled in accordance with the Omega pole.
Roundabout traffic sign: It is produced with "Normal performance reflective and High performance reflective" material. The reflective values show the reflection rates. It is used in normal performance reflective (Type-1). High performance reflective (Type-4) material is used. It is resistant to harsh weather conditions for many years and does not lose its colors.
Where and In Which Areas Are Traffic Signs Used?
⋙ On city and intercity highways
⋙ In all open or closed parking areas
⋙ In order to warn vehicles and pedestrians in road works,
⋙ Wide area of use: It is used in warning and working areas on roads, in social areas, in all areas that require work, life and property safety.
Traffic Signs, How / Where Are They Mounted?
⋙ Traffic signs are delivered to you, our customers, in the form of packages, boxes or wooden cases. 2 bolts and nuts are sent to you for plate assembly.
traffic sign
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