Traffic Signs signs - Traffic Road Signs and Prices
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What are the Traffic Signs and Their Types?
According to the way you are traveling, it is inevitable that you will encounter traffic signs included in traffic security products. For example, vehicles moving on a rural country road may encounter traffic warning signs with warnings about animal movements. In this regard, many signs can be mentioned among the types of traffic Decals. Due to the large number of signs, some classifications have been made to make it easier for you to reach the traffic sign you need. Here are the classes in which traffic signs are included…
Dangerous warning signs: It is one of the traffic safety products where road situations that may endanger drivers, such as a Decked road or a dangerous right-to-left bend, are included.
Traffic control signs: Includes signs that allow you to control the flow of traffic. Reports signs such as speed restrictions, redirection, or no entry. Warning signs informing about the tracking distance are also included in this group.
Road maintenance and repair signs: One of the most common signs in road works is lane transfer. There are signs that are often used in areas such as bridges or roadworks.
Information sign boards: It contains signs where information about the road is given to drivers and pedestrians. Signs such as hospital entrance, highway end or intersection without entrance are included among the information Decals.
Stop and parking signs: Includes signs that regulate where drivers can park their vehicles. Among them, signs such as waiting and parking Dec Dec signs, closed parking space are among those that stand out.
Parking signs: It consists of entrance and exit sign boards showing the parking places and parking lot. In addition, it is located on informative or prohibitive signs.
Other warning and information signs: In this section, there are traffic warning signs needed in special areas such as construction sites, voltage lines. For example, the construction machine output plate is included in this group.
Traffic sign posts and legs: They are used for fixing traffic signs. it is a product group in which there are durable traffic sign poles with a height of 2 meters or up to 4 meters depending on the needs.